Today I gave a tutorial for my team on foot and ankle differentials. I had prepared a power point presentation and went through the most common presentations but also added some uncommon conditions which I came across during my preparation. My colleagues were very grateful that I went through the differentails again as this is a good preparation for the CCAs. In the end I decided to finish off with an active part and therefore asked everybody to wear off their shoes and socks. I tried to demonstrated how important the foot and ankle complex is and that we should not miss to consider this when we assess and treat our patients. I briefly went through the physiology of the 'short foot posture' from Janda, a czech neurologist. I myself had learned this during my physiotherapy course and wanted to share this with my osteopath colleagues. I asked them to feel in themselves for their balance, sensation in their feet before, during and after the exercises. Someone felt it in the back, another in the core,.. . Thats what I wanted to achieve that my audience gets aware of the relevance of a good foot mechanics and how this affects the muscle tone and posture of the body.

With presenting this tutorial I revised foot differentials but also worked on my presentation skills. I have both revised my anatomy/pathophysiology knowledge and worked on my confidence to give lectures for a group with todays clinic tutorial. To use and make more out of this experience I provided all participants with a anonymous survey monkey questionnaire to collect feedback on my presentation skills. 

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